ISO 6505-2021 pdf download.Rubber, vu I canized or thermoplastic一Determination of tendency to adhere to and corrode metals.
8 Calibration
The requfrsements (or calibration of the Ic-at apparatus are given in Annes A
9 Test pieces
9.1 Preparation
9.1.1 Squire test pieces
Square test pieces shall he (24) a 0.5) mm a (20 ± 0.5) mm and preferably with a thickness of (2.0 a 0.2) mm. They shall be cut or punched from sheet or (roan the product under evaluation in accordance with ISO 23529.
9.12 0-ring Lest pieces
0-ring test pieces shall have a cross-sectional diameter of (3,55 a 0,1) mm The outer diameter of the test piece shall bc mm. 18mm and max. 45mm.
9.2 Number
Al c-ea lou lest eccrs shall bc uscd lur rah trl.
9.3 Time-interval between forming the material and testing
The time-interval between forming the material and testing shall be In accoedance with ISO 23529,
9.4 Storage
Sarnplrs and test pieces shall be proecsesi from light as completely as possible during she imei’s’al between fonning and testing.
10 Test conditions
10.1 Temperature
The tLft upradLule shall be selected from the list in ISO 23529.
10.2 Test period
The duration ol the test shall he selected from the following 24h; 72_h; (96 a 2) h (120 a 2) h; (168 * 2) hand multiples of 7 days.
NOTE The tell period at 120 h has been included abmga4de periods from ISO 23529 because lilt used in material , fica(lonI. Ice telng ins set .itius1>herv.
10.3 HumidIty
In terms of humidity, the atmosphere shall be
a) either.i dry atmosphere having a relative humidity of less than 10%, or
b) a wet atmosphere having a relative humidity of (90 a 5) %.
NOTE this lest is commonly carried out 51 low hasnildity to ensure that corrosion resulting from causes other than thote due In the rubber Is minhinuraL
11 Procedure
11.1 Precaution
In all operations, it is essential that the rubber test pieces and the metal test strips are handled only by means of the polyethylene gloves or other protective equipment (see 6.4). This precaution is essential in order to minimize surface contamination of the test piece and metal strips.ISO 6505 pdf download.