ISO 6535-2008 pdf download.Portable chain-saws – Chain brake performance.
5.6 Pendulum hewlrigaheadwIthats*nkefaceof5Ommj1mmdeme(erandanamwithaIerigSh gMng 700 men ±5 mm detance between the swivel poent and the centre of the head (see Figue. 1). The win thai be as 11 possdIe The pendulum thai ceus. an Impact energy oll,4 J 10.06 J frcni a &op heait (see Figure 1)01 apoUnalthy 200mm.
6 Chain-saw preparation
The •ngln. shell have been rsi En .iid warmed up before the test and the cerburattor and grilion edutIed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The end chain tension shell be aiusled tow best cutting pedormance in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. If nothrng ci.. Is staled, the chain tension shall be .djL.d so that, when a 1 kg mass is hanng from the cens’e of the ueebfe cuIteg length along the towisi portion ci the dten, the gap between the da.i side ink and the b Es a mmrnum 0(0.017 mm per naiimetre of ber length
If eppllcate. the chan oil pump sh be adjusted to its mexirnuni setting according to the manufacturers recommendations, The type at chi betixabon oil ua.d shall b. noted in the teat report.
7 Procedure
7.1 B.aklng time
7.1.1 General
Keep the throttle in a feed pcoalion dumg the braking This position thai correspond to the rsong speed defined as the manufacturers rated speed for maximum power plus 33% or ft ttvottie, wthever is the leew When the cheai has stpeped chew brMtmg, adjust the flvottle to ling and reset the twtWLe
No brake adjuslmei of any kind and no cbanrig shall b. cerried out during the test. No ‘sadings thai be
The see stall be ngidly mourtad by th. handles during th. test
The brake shall be released with a blow from the pend4um (56). w$wh shall strike the front flamS-guerd from a tkop heIght causing an impact energy ci 1.4 J ± 0.2 J and atong a kne of action lorming an angle at 45± 5 with the axie of the guide-bar (see Figure I).
Carry out the lest according to and 714
7.1.2 Preliminary running
7.12.1 Perform 300 actuatlons of the chain brake. wlthoA braking bee meaSurements, at a clieln speed between rnexrnwn power spaed and racing speed and so that overheating, not .xp.oted This shall be assured by the blowing precautions
— the time .bevel between each of the 300 acluations thai be at least 30 a;
th. throW. trigger thai always b. d.actiwat.d immediately after the brake hiss been actuated
7.12.2 Cut soft*ood for me time If takes to use one tank*ul of fuel at spproxlnialely maximum power speed. The sham brake that not be activated during this culirig. No deanng of the chain saw is permitted after this cutting seQuence.ISO 6535 pdf download.