ISO 6601-2002 pdf free download.Plastics — Friction and wear by sliding — Identification of test parameters.
3.3 Variables involved in the friction and wear process
a) type of motion (sliding, rolling, impact, flow or any combination thereof);
b) variation with time (continuous, oscillatory, intermittent);
c) normal load,
d) surface velocity,
e) temperature, ;
f) test duration,
3.4 Structure of tribological systems
3.4.1 Elements
a) body;
b) counter-body;
c) interfacial medium;
d) surrounding medium.
3.4.2 Properties of the elements
a) bulk properties (chemical composition, physical characteristics, mechanical properties, hardness);
b) surface properties (roughness and physico-chemical characteristics).
3.4.3 Interactions between the elements
a) mode of contact (see Figure 1 );
b) type of friction (dry friction, boundary lubrication, mixed lubrication, hydrodynamic lubrication, gas lubrication);
c) wear mechanisms, which are often classified into
1 ) adhesive wear by tearing of adhered parts from sliding surfaces,
2) abrasive wear (abrasion) by hard particles present on sliding surfaces,
3) degradative wear by a hostile environment,
4) surface fatigue wear by a process of rolling over a track, and
5) surface wearing asperities creating ploughed surface protuberances (material deposited alongside the
The modes of contact shown in Figure 1 may also be classified as follows:
a) conformal: radii of curvature of the two solids in the same direction;
EXAMPLE 1 Cylinder-Cylinder (internal)
EXAMPLE 2 Plane-Cylinder
b) non-conformal (counterformal): radii of curvature of the two solids in opposite directions.
EXAMPLE 3 Sphere-Cylinder
EXAMPLE 4 Cylinder-Cylinder (external)ISO 6601 pdf download.