ISO 7494-1-2011 pdf download.Dentistry – Dental units – Part 1: General requirements and test methods.
5.2 Mechanical requirements
5.2.1 Solids collector
Dental units shall contali a solids collector in the waste system. The solids collector shall be cable of retaining solid parlides with a dlawnele, 01 2 mm.
Testing shall be carried out m accudance wIth 71. Measurement shall be carned out usaig readily available measuring instruments
5.2.2 Amalgam separator device
Dental units shall be capable of being equipped w*h or connected to an amalgam separator device at the waste systam
Testing shall be carried Out Wi accordance with 7.1.
5.2.3 BurstIng pressure
Pressure systems used Wi dental units shall be strong enough to withstand, without bwsting or leaking, the pressures specified in 72.2.
Testing shall be carried out In accordance with 72 2.
5.3 ElectrIcal requirements
IEC 60601.1 and lEG 80601-2-60 ply.
5.3.1 FaIlsafe device
In case of a single4auM condition. e.g. failure of a limit Switch, additional protective means (failsafe device) shall be provided
EXAMPt.E Mechanical lenili to prevent riry to the peDant .n&or operebnp pereomel, Testing shall be carried out In accordance with 7.3.1.
5.3.2 Test point
In order to perform the service requirement specified in IEC 62353. the denial unit shall have a connec*orlplug for the power supply.
Testing shall be carried out In accordance with 71.
6 Sampling
Where possible, a’ type tests shall be made on one representative sample of the denial unit being tested.
7 Testing
7.1 VIsual Inspection
Visually inspect the equipment to determine coinØiance with the requirements.ISO 7494-1 pdf download.