ISO 9942-3-2020 pdf download.Cranes一Information labels一 Part 3: Tower cranes.
4.2 Rated capacity data
A durable capacity rating chart with legible letters and figures shall be provided with each crane and attached in a location visible to the crane operator at each control station. Rating charts, capacity plates. and any other information displayed regarding capacities shall be in the predominant measure of units (I.e. metric, imperial, etc.) of the country the crane is operating in.
If the crane is operated with a remote control, without a dedicated control station, this information shall be on:
a) the remote control;
b) a separate plate attached to the remote control; or
c) plates, e.g. on the jib, visible from the ground.
The content of these charts shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
a) a full range of crane load ratings for all:
— operating radii;
— jib lengths;
— hoist-line reevings;
— operating modes;
— where appropriate, for each available hoist-line velocity range; and
— where necessary, the associated counterweight arrangement;
b) precautionary or warning notes relating to limitations on equipment and/or operating procedures;
c) maximum permissible in-service wind;
d) lifting devices that are included or excluded in the rated capacity.
In addition, the capacities and the corresponding outreaches shall be displayed to the crane operator so that they can be easily read from the operating position. If the length and/or the angle of the jib can vary during operation, these parameters shall be displayed also.
If plates are fixed to the jib to show the rated capacities, they shall be arranged so that they are always legible and clearly visible to the crane operator. The ratio between two succeeding capacity plates shall not be greater than 3/2 including the maximum capacity and the capacity at maximum radius. For cranes intended for various operating and set-up arrangements, the data and displays shall correspond to the actual arrangement.
Alternatively to plates on the jib, an electronic indicating device can be used showing the actual load, the actual radius and the maximum radius up to which the load is allowed to be moved.
If the crane has more than one hoist unit, the rated capacity for each hoist unit shall be indicated and additional information shall be provided showing any approved combined use.
5 Information on operation of the crane by the crane operator
5.1 Control installations and indicating devices
All control installations and indicating devices shall be labelled with symbols or words to indicate their function and, where appropriate, the direction of the intended motion. The information shall be easily legible and attached where it is clearly visible.ISO 9942-3 pdf download.