ISO/TS 20559-2020 pdf download.Graphical symbols一Safety colours and safety signs一Guidance for the development and use of a safety signing system.
— Within a specific facility, safety sign system components function as a unique system of signage that can easily be distinguished from other types of installed signs and markings.
— When an organization chooses to adopt and use the ISO standards related to safety signage, that organization joins a global system of safety communication that uses a common visual language to reduce risk.
Standardization and consistency play key roles in helping people to recognize and understand safety signs. This document is written so organizations can best utilize the ISO standards related to this field of communication in their efforts to minimize risk and protect people from harm (see Bibliography).
5 Safety signing system components
5.1 General
Where hazards cannot be adequately reduced by techniques for collective protection or by measures, methods or procedures used in the organization of work or in the function of the facility, a consistent and standardized system of safety signs should be used to communicate essential safety information.
Safety signing system components include:
— signage on evacuation routes;
— fire equipment signs;
— signs indicating the location of safety equipment or a safety facility, or a safety action (safe condition signs);
— signs for accident prevention (e.g. warning signs, prohibition signs and mandatory action signs);
— escape and evacuation plan signs;
— pipe and tank identification/safety markings;
— safety markings;
— product safety labels.
5.2 Signage on evacuation routes
In case of an emergency situation, this component of the safety signing system provides a permanent means to visually communicate the location of evacuation routes, providing people with a clearly marked path to the outside or to a place of safe refuge to wait for evacuation by intervention forces. This category of safety signage includes, but is not limited to:
— emergency exit signs (low, intermediate and high located) that use graphical symbols and colours, conforming to ISO 7010 with supplementary arrow sign (typeD of ISO 3864-3) in white on green for directional information (see Figures 1 and 2);ISO/TS 20559 pdf download.