ISO TS 7637-4-2020 pdf download.Road Vehicles – Electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling一 Part 4: Electrical transient conduction along shielded high voltage supply lines only.
A bench-test method for the evaluation olthe Immunity ola device against supply-line transients may be performed by a test pulse generator. This might not cover all types of transients which can occur in a vehicle. Therefore, all described test pulses are typical pukes.
In special cases. it may be necessary to apply additional test pulses. However, some test pulses may be omitted. if a device, depending on Its function or its connection, is not influenced by comparable transients In the vehicle. It Is part o(tlw vehicle manufacturer’s responsibility to define the test pulses required bra specific device
There are tsso types 01 disturbances:
— Pulsed sinusoidal disturbances (Waveform A);
— Low frequency sinusoidal disturbance.s (Waveform 13).
Pulsed sinusoidal distiirtiances on high voltage supply lines .ire caused by overshoots on square wave signals, e.g. produced by interaction of switching IGBTs in high voltage systems with parasitic capacities and indoctivilies of electrical engine systems, DCDCconverters and any other kind of high voltage switching/commutation system. Pulsed sinusoidal d&sturb.a,ice on high voltage supply lines can be both common mode Iline.toground (HV. or/and HV. to groundfl and differential mode (line4o. line (liv. to HV-)j.
Test pulse A is used for testing high frequency oscillations. e.g last switching. Test pulse 13 is used to test equipment against transient voltages.
The device under test (l)1JT) shall be operated under typical conditions which caL,sa’ the maximum disturbance and sensitivity during the measurement. This is the worst-case mode for every test and frequency step. Conditions shall be agreed between the vehicle manufacturerand the supplier and shall be documented in the test plan.
4.2 Standard test conditions
Standard test conditions according to ISO 7637-1 shall be used Ice test temperature and supply voltage (low voltage)
The high supply voltage tI can vary Ins range from 60 V dc. up to I SO0 V d.c. The used high voltage and its allowed tolerances of battery/generator in operation shall be agreed between vehicle manufacturer and supplier and shall be documented an the test plan.
4.3 Ground plane
The ground plane shall be made of 0.5 mm thick (minimum) copper, brass or galvanized steel.
Unless otherwise specified in the test plan, the minimum width of the ground plane shall be 1 000 mm, or underneath ihe entire setup width (excluding power supply and transient pulse generator) plus 200 mm. whichever Is larger.
Unless otherwise specified in the test plan, the minimum length of the ground plane shall be 2 000 mm. or underneath the entire setup length (excluding power supply and transient pulse generator) plus 200 mm. whichever is larger.
4.4 General test setup conditions
The OUT is arranged and connected according to Its requirements. The WiT should be connected to the original operating devices (loads, sensors. etc.) and the lest setup described In 4.L tALl, and 4JiI shall he used, unless otherwise agreed between the vehicle manufacturer and the supplier
lithe actual OUT operating signal sources are not available, they may be muiated.ISO TS 7637-4 pdf download.