ISO 23906-1-2020 pdf download.Cigarettes一Determination of benzo[a]pyrene in cigarette mainstream smoke with an intense smoking regime using GC/MS – Part 1: Method using methanol as extraction solvent.
6.2 Water, complying with grade 2 of Iso 3696 or better.
6.3 Cyclohexane, of known purity, not less than 99%, CAS 110-82-7.
6.4 Toluene, of known purity, not less than 99 %, CAS 108-88-3.
6.5 Benzolajpyrene, of known purity, not less than 98 %, CAS 50-32-8.
6.6 Benzolajpyrene.d12, of known purity, not less than 98%, CAS 63466-71-7.
6.7 Helium, carrier gas of known purity, not less than 99,999 %, CAS 7440-59-7.
WARNING — Benzo[ajpyrene and benzo[ajpyrene-d12 are carcinogens. Appropriate safety precautions shall be taken when manipulating these compounds or any solution containing these corn pounds.
7 Standards
7.1 General
Certified BIaJP or BLaJPd12 solutions can be used as reference material.
7.2 Primary BlaiP stock solution
Dissolve 10 mg BIaJP, weighed to the nearest 0,01 mg, into a 10 ml volumetric flask and fill to the mark with toluene.
7.3 Secondary Blair stock solution
Dilute I ml of the primary BjaJP stock solution (see 22) into a 100 ml volumetric flask and fill to the mark with methanol.
7.4 B[aJP-d12 stock solution
Dissolve 10 mg B[aJP-d12, weighed to the nearest 0,01 mg, into a It) ml volumetric flask and fill to the mark with toluene.
7.5 BaJP-d12 spiking solution
Using a gas syringe, transfer 100 ii of the B[aJP-d12 stock solution (see 7.4) into a 100 ml volumetric flask and fill to the mark with methanol. This solution has a mass concentration of approximately I pg/mi.
7.6 Working standard solutions
Prepare six working standard solutions that cover the concentration range of interest. For example, transfer 20 p1 of the BIaJP-d12 stock solution (see 7.4) and 10 p1 to 2 000 p1 of the secondary B[a]P stock solution (see 7.3) into 100 ml volumetric flasks and fill to the mark with cyclohexane. These solutions have a mass concentration of approximately 0,2 pg/mI of B[a]Pd12 and mass concentrations from 1 ng/ ml to 200 ng/ml of B[a]P.
7,7 Storage of standard solutions
The standard solutions (see 7.2 to 7.6) are stable for up to six months if stored below —18 °C. Storage in amber glassware and away from the light is recommended.ISO 23906-1 pdf download.