IEC 60183-2015 pdf free download.Guidance for the selection of high-voltage A.C. cable systems.
The quality and performance of any new link or replaced joints and terminations are highly dependent on the skills, competence and workmanship of the jointers who ensure the proper installation of these accessories under field conditions.
Systematic and compulsory training is required by all high-voltage jointers to acquire and confirm the necessary skills.
7.2 TerminatIons
7.2.1 General
The design of terminations depends upon the degree of exposure to atmospheric pollution (see IEC TS 60815-1) and the altitude at the position of the termination.
7.2.2 AtmospherIc pollution
The degree of exposure to atmospheric pollution determines the minimum creepage distances and the type of insulators to be used for cable sealing ends.
7.2.3 Altitude
The air density at high altitude is lower than at sea level. The electric strength of the air is thus reduced, and air clearances which are adequate at sea level may be insufficient at higher altitudes. The puncture strength and oil flashover values of terminations are not affected by altitude. Terminations capable of complying with the required impulse withstand test under standard atmospheric conditions are suitable for use at any altitude below 1 000 m. In order to ensure that the requirement is met at higher altitudes, the air clearances normally specified should be increased by a suitable amount.
7.3 Joints
The design of the joint determines the type of conductor joint that will be used. Which type of joint, pre-molded, pre-fabricated. taped or field molded, shall be used depends on the laying conditions, time for installation, mechanical/electrical/economical properties and material compatibility.
Special designs are used for cross bonding systems.
8 Environmental aspects
Consideration of environmental aspects related to execution of a planned high-voltage cable connection should be made at early stage of system definition. Defined particular requirements should then be made available for designers from the initial phase of both system and product design to promote appropriate selections to be made.
Environmental aspects may cover, but are not limited to, the following items:
— choice of a high-voltage system general design principle in relation to the system location in environment, like its effects to the landscape and population in the vicinity, to operational safety (normal/fault condition), security against atmospheric influences and also in relation to acceptable fault localization and reparation time in case of a fault and impact during installation;
— information about international, regional or national regulated substances so that those for which restrictions apply, can be avoided or reduced to a minimum within all parts and components of cable;
— avoidance of hazardous raw materials in production (e.g. use of lead), or in constructional parts where alternative technical solutions already exist or where they are not needed in order to achieve the required product performance;IEC 60183 pdf download.