IEC 62838-2015 pdf free download.LEDsi lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages not exceeding 50 V a.c. r.m.s. or 120 V ripple free d.c. – Safety specifications.
The value of the lamp mass shall not exceed the relevant value of Table 1 Compliance shall be checked by measurement.
7 Protection against accidental contact with live parts
Lamps which are intended for ELV installations as specified in the scope may have accessible conductive parts, but where voltage exceeds 25 V a.c. r,m.s. or 60 V d.c. ripple free, the touch current shall not exceed:
— for ac.: 0.7 mA (peak)
— for d.c.: 2.0 mA.
The limits given are based on IEC 60364.4-41.
The external metal parts other than current-carrying metal parts of the cap of all lamps shall not be or become live. For testing, any movable conductive material shall be placed in the most onerous position without using a tool.
Compliance is checked by the touch current requirements of IEC 60598-1. Section 8 and Annex G.
8 Insulation resistance and electric strength after humidity treatment
8.1 General
Insulation resistance and electric strength shall be adequate between live parts of the lamp and accessible parts of the lamp.
8.2 Insulation resistance
The lamp shall be conditioned for 48 h in a cabinet containing air with a relative humidity between 91 % and 95 %. The temperature of the air is maintained within 1 °C of any convenient value between 20 C and 30 C.
Insulation resistance shall be measured in the humidity cabinet with a d.c. voltage of approximately 500 V. 1 mm after application of the voltage.
The insulation resistance between live parts of the cap and accessible parts of the lamp
(accessible parts of insulating material are covered with metal foil) shall be not less than
1 MQ.
8.3 Electric strength
Immediately after the insulation resistance test, the same parts as specified above shall withstand a voltage test for 1 mm with an ac. voltage as follows.
During the test the supply contacts of the cap are short-circuited. Accessible parts of insulating material of the cap are covered with metal foil. Initially no more than half the voltage prescribed in Table 2 is applied between the contacts and the metal foil. It is then gradually raised to the full value.
No flashover or breakdown shall occur during the test. Measurements shall be carried out in
the humidity cabinet.
NOTE 1 The distance between the lou and the live parts is under consideration.IEC 62838 pdf download.