IEC 60398-2015 pdf free download.Installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing – General performance test methods.
Normal operation includes a processing phase in the operation cycle and can also include one or more of the following sub-processes in this cycle:
— closing and opening of means of access;
— pressurising of the processing chamber;
— movement or transport of the workload, this includes for example rotation or wobbling movement during operation:
— holding the workload at a specified temperature for a specified time;
— introducing reactive or protective gases into the processing chamber, including deposition processes:
— free or forced cooling of the workload, for example, if cooling is necessary to avoid damage or boiling by exposing the hot workload to ambient atmosphere.
The energy used to perform these sub-processes shall be included. The spatial boundary of
the installation with respect to the process is defined by
a) an entrance port position where the workload is placed prior to normal operation or the equipment, which transports the workload into a processing chamber or position; such equipment is a part of the installation and its energy use is included;
b) an exit port position where the workload is placed after normal operation for removal, or the equipment, which moves the workload out of a processing chamber or position: such equipment is a part of the installation and its energy use is included;
C) the energy use of all equipment in between, including for example all switchgear. pumps, and cooling means necessary for the processing.
NOTE In equipment utilisirig non-atmospheric pressure or other atmospheres than air, the boundary between the EH or EPM installation and any other installation is typically a valve: a load lock — consisting of two valves and used for the transfer of workload between different atmospheres — will usually be part of the EH or EPM installation.
The cycle of batch operation relevant for measurement shall begin after hot standby operation.
4.3.3 Continuous type installations
Continuous type installations are characterised by a continuous or semi-continuous processing. The workload is conveyed through the processing region of the installation, which can be a processing chamber of the installation during normal operation. The processing occurs at consecutive positions inside the installation as the workload is transported through it
— for example in roll to roll operations or in sheet feed installations. Most installations go into standby operation when no workload is conveyed: this can be a hot standby for many thermal processes.
The normal operation includes a processing phase and can include one or more of the following sub-processes. which occur at different and typically separated spatial positions inside the installation,
— holding the workload at a specified temperature;
— introducing reactive or protective gases, including deposition processes:
— free or forced cooling of the workload, for example if cooling is necessary to avoid damage by exposing the hot workload to ambient atmosphere.IEC 60398 pdf download.