IEC 61770-2015 pdf free download.Electric appliances connected to the water mains – Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets.
4.2 Backflow prevention devices shall be incorporated in, or fixed to. the appliance or they shall be incorporated in the inlet side of a hose set
NOTE They may also be incorporated in the water inlet valves,
They shall be constructed so that
— their functional characteristics cannot be changed. even intentionally,
— they can only be removed with the aid of a tool.
— if omitted, the appliance is rendered inoperable or manifestly incomplete. Compliance is checked by inspection and by manual tests.
4.3 Hose-sets for the connection of appliances to the water mains shall be constructed so that the risk of flooding is obviated as far as possible.
Compliance is checked by the tests of Clause 9.
4.4 Metallic parts of the water connection system of the appliance, the deterioration of which may cause the appliance to fail to comply with the requirements of this standard, shall be resistant to erosion, dezincification. oxidation or corrosion.
Compliance is checked by inspection.
NOTE Resistance to dezincificatton of brass can be checked in accordance with iSO 6509
5 General conditions for the tests
5.1 When reference is made to normal conditions, the following applies:
– the appliance is placed on a horizontal support:
– the appliance is connected to a water supply in accordance with the instructions for installation:
— the water supply has a static pressure not exceeding 1 MPa and a dynamic pressure not less than 0.6 MPa:
– the appliance is supplied at rated voltage:
the appliance is tested without being loaded and without cleaning, rinsing or similar agents. doors and lids being closed.
NOTE When water pressures are stated, they are pressure difrerences from atmospheric pressure.
5.2 When reference is made to fault conditions, the appliance is inclined at an angle of 2 to the horizontal in the most unfavourable position. In addition to the normal conditions, the following fault conditions are applied one at a time, as far as is reasonable, consequential faults being taken into consideration:
— the connection between any dispenser intended for adding cleaning, rinsing, softening or similar agents to the water and other parts of the appliance is blocked, unless the cross- sectional area of the connection exceeds 10 cm2 throughout its length with no dimension less than 10 mm;IEC 61770 pdf download.