IEC 61800-2-2015 pdf free download.Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems – Part 2: General requirements – Rating specifications for low voltage adjustable speed a.c. power drive systems.
A BDM/COM/POS is typically used for a specific application in a specific environment under specific conditions, in which the product has to operate, be transported or stored. These conditions include, but are not limited to the electrical, electro-magnetic, mechanical, thermal. and chemical environment as well as requirements on the functionality, safety and functional safety. These conditions are known by the customer or product standard committees using this document as a reference document and will need to be specified.
The manufacturer of the BDM/CDM/PDS shall specify which requirements of IEC 61 800-2 apply to his equipment.
In order to ensure consistency and avoid conflicting requirements across the IEC 61800
series, some of the subclauses in 43 to 4.13 refer directly to other parts of the IEC 61800
4.2 BDMICDMIPDS characteristics and topology
4.2.1 General
Subclauses 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 are intended to be informative regarding common characteristics and topology for PDS’s. The information in these clauses shall not be construed as requirements.
4.2.2 BDM/CDM/PDS characteristics
A.C. PDS’s are a type of electronic power conversion equipment, which provide speed, current or torque control for a.c. electric motors. Because a.c. induction motors dominate industrial applications, a.c. PDS’s designed to operate a.c. induction motors are the most numerous. However, many high efficiency motor technologies require a CDM for operation. Therefore the use of a.c. PDS’s with other types of a.c. motors will increase. The use of CDM with permanent magnet (PM) motors has already reached a significant level.
Some significant characteristics of low voltage BDM/CDM/PDS’s include the following.
• BDMICDMIPDSs are commonly available with output power ranging from 0,2 kW to several thousand kW.
• Most industrial BDMICDMIPDS’s are designed to be powered from a 3 phase a.c. supply.
• Some low power BDMICDMIPDS’s are designed to be powered from single phase a.c.
• Many BDM’CDMIPDS’s are designed to receive d.c. power from a port connecting d.c. links of more than one PDS. Many POS’s may receive power from both an a.c. supply and from a port connecting d.c. links
• BDM!CDMIPDS’s vary the speed of an a.c. motor by controlling the frequency and voltage of the power provided to the motor.
• The most common BDMICDMIPOS’s are designed to control 3 phase induction motors with voltage ratings such as 240 V. 400 V, 480 V. 600 V. and 690 V.
• Some 8DMICDM1PDS’s are designed for use with stepper, or switched reluctance motors.
• Many BDM/CDM/POS’s are designed for use with permanent magnet motors.
• Energy efficiency of the typical a.c. BDMICDM is typically very high In general it is beneficial to reduce energy lost to heating effects in order to minimize size and operating cost.
• Most a.c.. PDSs return power from the motor to the d.c. link during periods when the motor operates as a generator (operation in II and IV quadrants). (see Figure 3)
• Many a.c. PDS’s are provided with a dynamic brake (also called chopper brake” or brake chopper) in order to manage power returned from the motor to the d.c. link during periods when the motor operates as a generator.IEC 61800-2 pdf download.