IEC 62056-4-7-2015 pdf free download.Electricity metering data exchange – The DLMS/COSEM suite – Part 4-7: DLMS/COSEM transport layer for IP networks.
The TCP-DISCONNECT.indication primitive is generated by the DLMS!COSEM TCP-based TL to the service user TCP connection manager process to indicate that the peer entity has requested the disconnection of an existing TCP connection. The same primitive is used also to indicate if the TL detects a non-solicited disconnection of an existing TCP connection (for example, when the physical connection breaks down). TCP-DISCONNECT.response Function
This primitive is the service response primitive for the connection termination service. Semantics of the service primitive
The primitive shall provide parameters as follows:
Remote_I P_Address,
The Local_TCP_Port and Remote_TCP_Port parameters identify the two TCP ports between which the TCP connection has to be disconnected. The Local_IP_Address and Remote_IP_Address parameters indicate the IP addresses of the two physical devices participating in the TCP connection to be disconnected.
The Result parameter indicates that the service user TCP connection manager process has accepted to disconnect the TCP connection referenced. The value of this parameter is always
The TCP-DISCONNECT.response primitive is invoked by the TCP connection manager process to indicate to the DLMS/COSEM TCP-based TL whether the previously requested TCP disconnection is accepted. Note that the TCP connection manager process cannot reject the requested disconnection. This service primitive is invoked only if the corresponding TCPDISCONNECT,indication service indicated a remotely initiated disconnection request (Reason
== REMOTE_REQ). TCP-DISCONNECT.conflrm Function
This primitive is the service confirm primitive for the connection termination service. Semantics of the service primitive
The primitive shall provide parameters as follows:
Local TCP Port,
Remote_I P_Address,
Reason_of_Failure.IEC 62056-4-7 pdf download.