IEC 62493-2015 pdf free download.Assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagnetic field.
Compliance or non-compliance with the limit shall be determined in the following manner.
If the uncertainty calculated with the instrumentation actually used for the test (1lab) is less than or equal to the uncertainty given in 5.6 (1 basic) then:
— compliance is deemed if the measurement result does not exceed the applicable limit;
— non-compliance is deemed to occur if the measurement result exceeds the applicable limit.
If the uncertainty calculated with the instrumentation used for the test (‘ab) is higher than the uncertainty given in 5.6 (tasic) then:
— compliance is deemed to occur if the measurement result, increased by (C lab C basic)’ does not exceed the applicable limit.
— non-compliance is deemed to occur if the measurement result. increased by lab tbasic)’ exceeds the applicable limit.
6 Measurement procedure for the Van der Hoofden test
6.1 General
The assessment method is based on basic restrictions given in both ICNIRP 1998 and ICNIRP 2010, or in IEEE C95.1-2005. The measurement procedure used simulates the induced internal electric field in a person near lighting equipment. The measurements are carried Out under the conditions specified in this Clause 6.
6.2 Operating conditions
6.2.1 Operating conditions for lighting equipment
Measurements on the lighting equipment shall be carried out in operating conditions as
specified by the manufacturer.
In the case of lighting equipment where it is possible to interchange between lamps of different rated wattage. it is only necessary to measure the lighting equipment in combination with the lamp that has the highest nominal lamp voltage.
Prior to measurement, the lamp(s) shall be operated until stabilisation has been reached. Unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer, the following stabilisation times shall be observed:
— 15 mm for low-pressure discharge lamps:
— 30 mm for other discharge lamps.
All measurements shall be done with 100 h aged lamps.
6.2.2 Operating conditions for specific lighting equipment
Multiple lamp lighting equipment: When the lighting equipment incorporates more than one lamp. all lamps shall be operated simultaneously.IEC 62493 pdf download.