IEC 62769-6-2015 pdf free download.Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 6: FDI Technology Mapping.
UIP executables and their required libraries shall be shipped with file containing the public key in order to enable Assembly verification.
4.4 UIP executable compatibility rules
The UIP component provided version information consists of
,.’cBuild Number>.
UIP components using the same identity (Uipld/IEC 62769-5) that are showing a different value in position Major’ are not compatible with each other. Any other difference showed in the version information between the same UIP component identities means that those UIP component identities are compatible. A newer UIP component is allowed to overwrite an older UIP component without breaking the intended functionality.
The compilation target platform for the UIP shall be “anyCPU”. If this is not feasible the UIP shall be shipped in two variants. One UIP variant shall be compiled for target platform “x86”. The second UIP variant shall be compiled for target platform ‘x64. The compilation platform target shall be described in the catalog,xml file which is defined in IEC 62769-4. This catalog.xml file contains an xml element Cpulnformation” that describes the User Interface Plug-in variant. The allowed values that shall be used in the xml element “Cpulnformation” are anyCPU”. x86” or’x64”.
4.5 Allowed NET Common Language Run-time versions
4.5.1 General
Specific CLR (Common Language Run-time) versions are released for the execution of software components built with specific NET Framework versions. The .NET CLR version 4.0 is used to execute software components built with .NET Framework 4.0. .NET Components are built for one CLR version only but can be capable to run also under a newer CLR version.
FDI Clients can be built based on CLR version 4.0 or future versions. An FDI Client has to realize the following situations when starting a UIP.
• When the LJIP to be started was built for the same run-time, the UIP can be started in the FDI Client as usual.
• When the UIP to be started was built with another CLR version and is not compiled for the current running CLR version, the FDI Client shall start the UIP in a surrogate process with the adequate CLR version. (More details are described in 4.5.2.)
Taking this behavior in account, a IJIP shall be developed for CLR version 4.0 or any future version. In case the CLR versions do not match, the UIP shall be started in a separate process. The UIP will then not be displayed as an integrated module within the FDI Client. II is up to the FDI Client to realize the surrogate process.
4.5.2 CLR compatibility strategy
In the future, FDI Clients and UIPs will be permitted to be built on different incompatible versions of the CLR.IEC 62769-6 pdf download.