UL 1180-2021 pdf free download.Fully Inflatable Recreational Personal Flotation Devices.
419 SERVICEABLE — Acceptable for continued use (e.g. exhibits no signs of functional deterioration such as deformation of hardware, a rip or tear, a loose seam, Indicators not functional, oral inflation tube blocked or detached, manual inflator trigger detached, or the like).
4.20 STATUS INDICATOR — The part or parts of an inflation system which provide user feedback to assist in keeping an inflatable PFD in an armed and ready condition. Use Code IF inflation systems have the most stringent status indicator user recognition requirements, with Use Code 2F and 3F systems having correspondingly less stringent requirements.
4.21 STRUCTURAL SEAM — A seam that serves a functional purpose, as distinguished from a decorative purpose.
4.22 TORSO ANGLE — The angle between a vertical line and a line passing through the shoulder and hip. A positive angle is achieved when a test participants hips are forward with respect to their shoulders.
4.23 TURNING TIME — The time required for a device to turn a face-down wearer to a position in which the wearers respiration is not impeded.
4.24 UNINFLATED — A device with the chamber(s) deflated and in the packed condition.
4.25 UNIVERSAL SIZE — A size of device constructed to fit, as a minimum, persons in the 5th through
95th percentile of the adult U.S. population, as reported by the National Center for Health Statistics, with respect to height and girth. The universal size includes the chest size range of 30 — 52 inches (80— 130 cm).
4.26 USCG APPROVAL TYPE — A classification assigned based on a device’s performance, serviceability, and status indicators.
4.27 VEST — A device that covers the shoulders but has no sleeves. A yoke-style device is considered to be a vest.
4.28 WHITE WATER PADDLING — Any activity with a vessel on Class II and above rapids as determined by the six-class international Scale of River Difficulty428. This definition applies only to those sections of the river with such rapids, and not the entire river.
American Whqtewater, P0 Box 1540, Ciiowhee. NC 28723; 1-866-BOAT-4-AW: hltpflwww. arneñcanwtewater. ocg/:
5 Inflatable Devices
5.1 The construction and assembly of an inflatable device shall be judged with respect to its intended use as well as the requirements in this standard.UL 1180 pdf download.