UL 969A-2020 pdf free download.Marking and Labeling Systems一Flag L abels, Flag Tags, Wrap-Around L .abels and Related Products.
1.1 These requirements cover flag labels, flag tags, wrap-around labels, and related products affixed to an electrical flexible cord or fluid carrying hose. These products provide information, instructions, or identification in the form of text or pictographs. When an adhesive is employed, it may be pressure sensitive, heat activated, or sdvent activated. These products are intended to be applied by manufacturers at the location they produce their end-products.
1.2 These requirements also cover:
a) Unprinted materials and other label components used by label converters to produce finished flag labels, flag tags, and wrap-around labels, and
b) Specific combinations of label material, ink and printing process evaluated as a system.
1.3 These products are evaluated for use on specific electrical flexible cords or fluid carrying hoses for conditions to which they are intended to be exposed to during actual use.
1.4 These requirements apply to flag labels, flag tags, wrap-around labels, and related products used on complete devices, appliances, or equipment. The acceptability of these products in a particular application are to be judged under the applicable requirements in the standard covering the device, appliance, or equipment on which the product is used.
1.5 These requirements do not cover labels applied to smooth, flat, and rigid surfaces which are covered by the Standard for Marking and Labeling Systems, UL 969.
2 Units of Measurement
2.1 Values and their respective units of measurement that are stated without parentheses constitute the
requirement of the standard and those in parentheses constitute explanatory or approximate information. 3 Normative References
3.1 The following standards are referenced in this standard, and portions of these referenced standards may be essential for compliance.
ASTM Gi 51, Standard Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices That Use Laboratory Light Sources
ASTM Gi 55, Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposire of Nonmetallic Materials
UL 969. Marking and Labeling Systems.UL 969A pdf download.