UL 510-2020 pdf free download.PolyvinyI Chloride, Polyethylene, and Rubber Insulating Tape.
4 General
4.1 The requirements in Sections 4- 6 and 23 apply to all of the tapes covered in this Standard and are supplemented by requirements in Sections Z一16 covering thermoplastic tape and in Sections 17 – 22 covering rubber tape.
4.2 Unless otherwise specified, lengths of 25 mm (1 inch) wide tape for use as specimens in any of the tests specified in this standard are to be taken from sample rolls of finished tape ftted snugly onto a horizontal rod or tube that is free to turn in its supports without wobbling or other extraneous motion whenever the tape is unrolled. The tape is to be in thermal equllibrium with the surrounding air at a temperature of 23.0 +5.0°C (73.4 +9°F) whenever being unrolled. The tape is always to be unrolled at an even rate of approximately 50 mm/second (2 inches/second). The first three layers of tape are to be discarded. Each length of tape intended as a specimen or from which a specimen is prepared is to be protected from dust and direct handling of the adhesive side and is to be placed adhesive side up on a smooth, clean surface or is to be suspended in air under the conditions specified in 4.3 after removal from a roll and before being used in a test.
Exception: Lengths of tape for use as adhesion test specimens are to be placed adhesive side up on a smooth, clean surface or are to be suspended in air for a minimum time corresponding to the conditions specified in 10.1.
4.3 Unless otherwise specified, all testing, except flammability, shall be conducted at 23 +5°C (73 +9°F) and a relative humidity of 50土10%. Flammability testing shall be conducted in still air at a temperature of 15- 35°C (59 – 95°F) and a relative humidity of < 75%. All samples shall be preconditioned at 23 t5°C (73 +9°F) and a relative humidity of 50 +10% for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to test, or referred to as the As-Received condition. 4.4 Unless otherwise indicated for a specific test, testing of each construction in the unpigmented and heaviest pigmented dark and light tapes (such as black and white) are considered to represent the range of colors for each test. If the tape is produced with the pigment in different layers, such as the backing, reinforcement and/or adhesive, each of those unique constructions will also require the applicable tests described within this standard.UL 510 pdf download.