UL 746C-2020 pdf free download.Polymeric Materials一Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations.
322 INSULATED LIVE PART — An electrically live part that is provided with complete protection against electric shock and does not rely upon other parts for insulation.
3.23 INSULATION. FUNCTIONAL — The insulation necessary for the proper functioning of the product and for basic protection against electric shock.
3.24 INTERMITTENT OPERATION EQUIPMENT – Operation in a series of specified cycles each composed of a period of operation under NORMAL LOAD, followed by a rest period with the equipment switched off or running idle.
3.25 LEVEL OF ATTENDANCE — The level of operator attendance is determined by whether or not operator presence is normally required or essential in order for the equipment to perform its intended task or purpose. Consideration should be given to whether the equipment has to be kept switched on by hand or foot, or equipment, which is continuously loaded by hand under normal use. The end-product standard should be referenced when determining the applicable level,
326 LIVE PARTS — Denotes metal or other conductive parts that, during intended use. has an electrical potential difference with respect to earth ground or any other conductive part
3.27 NON-HAZARDOUS ENERGY CIRCUIT — A circuit that is not considered to have a risk of electric shock or fire.
3.28 PERFORMANCE LEVEL CATEGORY — An integer that defines a range of test values for a given electrical/mechanical property test.
3.29 PORTABLE APPLIANCE — An appliance that is easily carried or conveyed by hand, and is provided with a power-supply cord for connection to the supply circuit.
3.30 POWER-SUPPLY CORD – The flexible electrically insulated cord provided to connect the product to the supply circuit.
3.31 PRIMARY CIRCUITS — The wiring and components that are conductively connected to the supply circuit.
3.32 PRINTED-WIRING BOARD – The finished combination of a pattern of conductive paths either on or within multilayer sheets of insulating material
3.33 RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK — A risk of electric shock is considered to exist at any part if,
a) The potential between the part and earth ground or any other accessible part is more than 42.4 V peak, and
b) The continuous current flow through a 1500 ohm resistor connected across the potential exceeds 0.5 mA.
3.34 RISK OF FIRE — A risk of fire is considered to exist at any two points in a circuit where:
a) The open circuit voltage is more than 42.4 V peak and the energy available to the circuit under any condition of load including short circuit, results in a current of 8 A or more after 1 minute of operation, or
b) A power of more than 15 watts can be delivered into an external resistor connected between the two points.UL 746C pdf download.