UL 795-2021 pdf free download.Printed Wiring Boards.
2.12 BURIED VIA — A via that does not extend to the surface of the board construction.
2.13 CAP LAYER — A single sided copper clad laminate bonded to the external surface of the multilayer board with bonding layer material [prepreg (b-stage)].
2.14 CIRCUIT — Electrical devices and elements interconnected to perform a desired electrical function.
2.15 CIRCUITRY LAYER — Conductor layer or plane in or on a printed wiring board.
2.16 CLADDING — A deposited or plated metallic layer or laminated foil used for its protective and/or
electrical properties. See Conductive Foil.
2.17 CLAD MATERIAL—See Metal Clad Base Material.
2.18 COATING — A nonmetallic substance applied by some process, such as dipping, screening, spraying, or melt-flow.
2.19 COMPONENT — An individual part or combination of parts intended to perform a desired function.
2.20 CONDITIONING — Exposure of test samples to an environment for a period of time, prior to or after testing and prior to evaluation.
2.21 CONDUCTIVE (ELECTRICAL) — The ability of a substance or material to conduct electricity.
2.22 CONDUCTIVE COIN — A piece of metal on the surface or in the printed wiring board construction that allows the flow of thermal energy. See Heatsink.
2.23 CONDUCTIVE FOIL — A thin metal sheet intended for forming a conductor pattern on a base material.
2.24 CONDUCTIVE PASTE — An organic or inorganic paste substance capable of transmitting electricity,used for circuit conductors, including but not limited to carbon, copper, and silver.
2.25 CONDUCTOR — A trace or path for electricity to transmit in a conductor pattern.
2.26 CONDUCTOR ADHESIVE — Adhesive material used to attach conductor material to a base material.
2.27 CONDUCTOR AVERAGE TRACE WIDTH — The average width of a length of conductor trace.
2.28 CONDUCTOR BASE WIDTH — The width of a conductor at the interface of the base material as determined by microsection analysis. This width is used to determine bond strength/peel strength values.
2.29 CONDUCTOR LAYER — A single plane of a conductor material or pattern on a base material.
2.30 CONDUCTOR MATERIAL — An organic or inorganic substance capable of transmitting electricity, used for circuit conductors, including but not limited to copper, tin, nickel, gold, carbon paste, copper paste, silver paste, ruthenium oxide paste. etc.UL 795 pdf download.