UL 810B-2021 pdf free download.DC Power Capacitors.
8.2 Internal insulating materials shall comply with the requirements for the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Tests, Section 16. Internal insulating materials shall have a relative mechanical temperature index without impact of at least 70 °C (158 °F) or the marked temperature rating marked on the capacitor, whichever is greater, in accordance with UL 746B.
Exception: Internal insulating materials for capacitors marked “unprotected” per 22.1(g) shall comply with the following requirements:
a) Shall be classified HB minimum in accordance with UL 94, or comply with the flammability — 12 mm flame test specified in UL 746C:
b) Shall have a relative mechanical temperature index without impact of at least 70 °C (158 °F) or the marked temperature rating marked on the capacitor, whichever is greater, in accordance with UL 746B: and
c) Shall comply with the requirements for dielectric strength criteria as described in the Material Property Considerations table of UL 746C.
8.3 A capacitor having a metal enclosure shall have an insulating liner of nonmoisture-absorbent material between the capacitor roll and the metal enclosure. In addition, the capacitor shall resist the absorption of moisture by having the capacitor roll completely immersed in a sealing compound or other material that may be used for the purpose.
9 Leads, Terminals and Internal Wiring
9.1 A lead of a capacitor shall be rated for the voltage and current involved. The temperature rating of the insulation of the lead shall not be less than the temperature rating of the capacitor. Standards that may apply for these leads include UL 44, UL 66, UL 83, and UL 758.UL 810B pdf download.